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Mirson said:
RenCutypoison said:

If you have a lot of spare money there are 1 handed pad for every console available online.
Otherwise turn per turn RPGs and Visual Novels should be perfect. (Not eroges, you'd need both hands)
Theatrythm Curtain Call on 3DS has a one hand mode. It's so good I feel this was added by a fan of "Broken Goods"(Web novela about an amputee, cries at some point because she used to be good at elite beat agents).

(Telltales games have short action moment where u might need both hands. Also moments where you need one hand to play and one hand to get tissues. Can be very frustrating).

I have Theatrhythm but haven't opened it, but I guess now is the time to play it. That sucks about the Telltale games since they look interesting.

Yeah I read about the one handed PS4 controllers but also read it couldn't be done and aren't available atm. Correct me if I'm wrong

Previous quote has an edit with ps3 controllers. I don't know about ps4 unfortunately, but probably with an adaptater (may be expensive for a temp solution). Only curtain call has non stylus one hand gameplay, haven't played stylus mode but i guess it's one handed too (and available in the first game). It's a really fun game even if you're not into rythm game IMO (not into tythm game, started last week and already have over 60 hours played lol)