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Normchacho said:
JinxRake said:

I'll reply to the rest later, I have to go to work sadly.

I would reply, but I think we'd just get into a circular debate in which we dissect these elements down to a point where the movie never bothered to reach.

I admit from the get go that all I've said is me filling in gaps from the film...but they can be filled and argued against and argued for. Which is enough, in my opinion.

I think anyone that wants to enjoy this film needs to come into the cinema with proper...and realistic expectations, that stem from the source material, the general current cinematic ecosystem and tendencies and the trailers. It's a film with an island filled with dinosaurs, run as a tourist attaction...that's a cartoon worthy concept right there. 


Lawlight said:
Anfebious said:

People like to find what's wrong with the movie looking to make some sense out of it... It's fiction, it doesn't have to make sense people.

Enjoy it for what it is goddamnit. 

PS: I didn't watch the movie.

Actually, it does. There's a reason why people don't like plot holes.

I am thoroughly surprised that there are people who liked it. It was outright dumb. And so predictable too. It is the worst movie I have seen in the cinema in the past few years.


You must not really go to the cinema much. 


World War Z?

Resident Evil: Retribution?

Friday the 13th?


The Wolverine?


47 Ronin?

The Lone Ranger?