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I am under the impression that since the arrival of the Americans the Mario Kart Online Service cannot cope with the heavier traffic quite well. There have been too many instances where these 3 things have happened to me lately: 1. The race finishes before the end of the 3rd lap complete with added achievement points up to the moment of the sudden finish. 2. It disconnects me from the other players forcing me to start from the earth screen. 3. Sometimes won't let me connect although my connection is fine and for example, the opera internet channel works well. Mario Kart online is certainly a big addiction! I've enjoyed it greatly so far. But these issues of late trouble me. Has anyone else experienced the last few days the same problems? p.s.: Sorry for my English. I'm not a native speaker :)

wii number: 8166 7045 0170 7783 (don't forget to inform me if you add me)