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Hello fellow members of VGChartz! OnlyForDisplay here, giving you my take on the whole three month hiatus on the sales data. With that, I need to give my disclaimers note.


Disclaimer: Keep in mind fellow members that this is an opinion. It is fine that we may not share the same views, but before you judge my stance, please listen to what I have to say. With that, let us get onto my stance.


Three months without information on any site can be alarming to some. Be it news or sales information, such a hiatus would cause concern. Now there are many ways to voice our frustrations. Communities across various sites can make threads or topics stating their dissatisfaction or decrease their active use on the site. Such tactics usually do garner a response on the issue at hand from the administrators. However, sometimes, such tactics can not offer any response at all; a more frustrated and enraged community as a result. "We already know this Only, so why are you stating the obvious?," I hear you asking. This brings me to my counter argument: patience.


Again, I know such an idea is not something many of you want to hear, so hear me out on this. For one, we are unsure of what the administrators issues are now. Who's to say more issues may have rised since the last response we had received? For all we know, the site itself could potentially be in danger, an administrator may be on leave, a glitch in the site update, and countless other potential issues that we are not aware of. That being said, our best bet, as a community, is to wait for the next response from the administrators themselves. Finding out what is the current issue is something we, as a community, need to wait for via a response. Only then we should we voice our frustrations should the answers be either inadequate or incomplete. This ends my counter argument.



Before I go, there is one more statement I need to isse. Again, my statement isn't stating that those who want to voice their frustrations should not do so. They are absolutely entitled to do so; as is their solemn right to. My advice stems from a community member standpoint. I am only offering my take on what we, as a community should do for the time being. Until we understand the crux of the delays, we really cannot vent on the administrators until a statement that is reasonable is issued, so patience becomes a virtue here.


Again, thank you for reading! Before I go, I would like to hear your take. Do you believe we should still continue our frustrations? Do you believe there is a deeper issue within the administration itself? What do you believe what we should do once a response is issued and is/isn't adequate. Once again, thank you for reading and this is an opinion that is OnlyForDisplay.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay