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BMaker11 said:

You really think they just "didn't renew". Exclusive marketing rights to one of the biggest gaming franchises right now (declining in quality or not) that sells best in the one market the XBOne actually has a chance in competing in, and they just "didn't renew" the contract?

Sony $$ + marketshare clearly took the ball out of MSs court, here. Not just MS didn't care anymore. As much as they're pushing free games in bundles, repeated price cuts, high value trade in deals, etc to get XBOnes off shelves, I doubt they would just let this one go. They wouldn't voluntarily let anything go that would help the XBOne right now.  

Actually I do believe that MS did ot renew their contract.  Whether its Sony or MS for these marketing deals, for the other company its great to have someone else pay that tab.  If you think about it, after Phill took over, MS does nto seem to be interested in persueing those 3rd party deals any more and its probably because they have not effect sales enough to warrant the investment.

If MS believe its better to concentrate their cash on more first party development since those 3rd party games are still coming to their system, its probably a smater investment.