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Well this would really suck. You got lucky Prof haha

Some People In France Got Very Sick Doing Their Version Of The Tough Mudder Challenge

11,713 Shares Entertainment | Fail 6 hours ago

You’ll be familiar with the concept of the Tough Mudder Challenger, you’ll probably have friends who have done it and uploaded their picture to Facebook afterwards where they are drenched in mud.

Well you can do the same thing in France except they were probably drenched in their own vomit as well as over 1000 people got ill when they attempted Mud Run two weekends ago. This was because the mud they were churning though to have a good time was actually a load of animal sh*t, so that’s pretty awful.

According to The Daily Mail at least 30 people came down with a ‘mystery outbreak’ which is more commonly known as ‘coming out of every hole.’ There was extreme vomiting and diarrhoea.

The feces on the course released a bacteria similar to salmonella which when ingested made lots of people extremely ill.

Credit: Flickr/ Steve Orcutt

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Since the event on June 20th, over 1000 people have experienced symptoms in one kind of another.

Organisers of the Mud Run have since said they're thoroughly investigating what could have caused the illness. It's probably all that actual animal sh* to be honest with you.

Who knew that sitting in an arm chair playing FIFA could have better health benefits than extreme outdoor activities?

Meanwhile here’s some terrible faceplants fails and wipeouts to keep you amused.





#1 Amb-ass-ador