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Bookmaker definition from Wikipedia:

A bookmaker, bookie, or turf accountant is an organization or a person that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.

Users making bets in VGChartz is not uncommon. Users make bets on whether X thing has Z sales, whether X thing will have better sells than Y, or make bets on whether something happens or not. People here either bet their avatars or their signatures (or both) to the control of the winner for X amount of time if the bet's outcome doesn't favor them and they lose. They even agree on the number of posts per month the loser must make so that the loser can show the winner's sig and avatar of their choosing.

I remember when I first saw two people betting for some outcome here in VGChartz. I recall asking myself: is this permitted here in VGChartz? Is this allowed? How official is it? What happens if someone loses but does not face his/her loss and doesn't comply to what he/she promised to do when proven wrong?

Ever since that particular day in the forums I have been thinking about the idea of VGChartz having their own Bookmaker Team, Bookie Team, Bets Police or however everyone would like to call them.

I am not omniscent or anything but I have the impression that so far there hasn't been a need for someone to moderate bets. Everything has been smooth with people who've made bets so far, I am not certain of this though. But still I can't shake the idea that it would be a very original approach to a gaming forum of having a Bookie Team in the forums and to have VGChartz acknowledging these bets by putting people in charge of taking whatever gaming bets users in this forum make. I believe it would be an original approach by a gaming forum and would make this website stand out from the rest even more.

It would be nice having people in other forums saying: "Yeah, there in VGChartz where they have sales for consoles and videogames they even have people taking bets on how well a game sales or not and stuff."

VGChartz being a videogame sales focused website would be the perfect home for such a team. An official team as valid as the Mod Team, with the power of making bets official, a team we could be able to approach and notify of our bets, a team that keeps tabs on what people are betting, a team that could perhaps hold those who make bets accountable of their agreements and making bans (or refering to actual mods) for whatever reasonable punishment for those people who have no word in defeat.

Perhaps this is a little complicated right now and maybe there are other priorities at hand for VGStaffers but I wanted to know what everyone would think of this idea and maybe allow this concept to work in everyone's mind and who knows? Maybe in the future there is space for something like this.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: