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elgefe02 said:
D21, my friend. Your history will make a lot of people meditate about cheating, specially me. I have a 19 years old girl, she is just my friend, nothing more. but I am pretty sure my wife will not like that kind of relationship... She calls me and Pms me, in fact she use to tell me that she loves me. I have to silence my phone and ignore her...
Based on your history I will stop that.

Thanks for your testimony.

Bad, bad move. Just tell your wife about her - a co-worker you are concerned about. Dude, it happens. Consider this - you are with your co-workers at least 8 hours a day, your significant other a lot but not over time. Who really ends up knowing you more?  But QFT - I have hawt ladies as friends at my job in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s AND 60s who flirt, call me cute and handsome and the like. Dang ... I guess I'll just eat with the guys and get grossed out. On second thought ... hmmmmm

OT: Man, all I have to say is simple - you got OWN3D. She's hot and diggs a po-po/security dude who's an ace? Man, I'd be even more careful. Your *5-0* spidey sense didn't kick in? That's one of the few professions where you have to be vigilant.

All I know is - as a vet of the written word, that junk is hella incriminating. I remember this case where an airman kidnapped this chick, had sex with her repeatedly and finally ended up getting own3d in a Ford Fiesta (that is a crime in itself ...) Anyhow, the defense produced (no joke), every letter, every condom and receipt from his entire period hollering at her. EVERY one, even the ones he tried to burn. And that was back in 1991. Technology and snooping has advanced so much that folks can tell if you're lying by your facial expressions.

For me, I look at the consequence. Apparently, the tang was good enough to risk your fiancee with. Seriously, I learned about that with whippings. You calculate the job vs. the pain, time of spanking and duration of each lick and ask yourself is it worth it. For some things, it was. Others, like an awesome woman vs. coochie, you can't turn a whoe into a housewife.

Trust me, I notice some hottiez, but they aren't even remotely worth me losing my children and my wife. But you have to be strong to realize it's just tempation. If she wants to peel her clothes off that fast, and she's not your significant other, your wife and the like, ask yourself - is it worth it?

Truth is, she may take you back one day, but you hit her with a pack of lies, son. You are gonna have to work hard, HARD to win her back.