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I've been told that it's a slippery slope, inhumane, and could lead to active pursuit of inmates (as in, finding any possible reason to put a person behind bars) if private prisons get involved, but instead of the death penalty via injection, chair, or whatever, I say experiment on them.

I'm talking about the serial killers, child rapists, etc. The worst of the worst. The people who do it simply for their own enjoyment. That drug that the FDA is too afraid to put to trials? Put it on these inmates and see what happens. If they die, well then shit, they were on death row anyway. If they don't die and we can validate any sort of results, then we've just cured AIDS without spending billions on clinical trials and waiting years to put it into the market.

"But that it gross. That's torture". And how do you think the 8 children this guy beat and raped felt? You know, maybe criminals should learn to feel a little empathy for their crimes. You know that scene in Family Guy where Peter is in prison and the inmate promises to stab Peter, and at the end of the episode, he stabs himself and says "oh, that's what that feels like? I probably shouldn't do that anymore".

I know prison should be about rehabilitation and not revenge, but some people just can't be rehabilitated.  And in those scenarios, at least make their heinous crimes lead to something good.