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I don't see your point about the graphics, since Super Mario Maker uses graphics from old Super Mario titles in a distinct retro way. Just imagine how the old SMB titles could have been if they had all the possibilities from this title to make their levels. Stacking ennemies, giant ennemies, all the new different things that can come out of pipes, cannons and blocks, land ennemies in underwater maps and vice-versa...

While there is no campaign mode, the way this title plays out looks like a campaign would make no sense at all. LBP has only one graphic set, so it's much easier to create a coherent campaign, SMM on the other hand looks more as if a pre-defined campaign would hurt more than help. Everybody can create his own campaign (Levels 1-1 til 8-4, just like in the first title) with his own maps, which is more to the tone of the game imo. Also, LBP needed some backstory, something Mario really doesn't need anymore at this point.

The only thing Nintendo could do imo would be integrate in some way the old Mario titles from which SMM draws its tilesets from into the game or get a free download for them in the eShop.