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I don't care too much about graphics and I don't always need the latest video cards to push my pixels as high as possible, but I still do enjoy PC gaming. There are just experiences on the PC that work better in that environment compared to a console environment. Right now, I'm enjoying CS: GO on my PC. It isn't the most graphically intensive game but it sure is a lot of fun once you get into it. CS: GO on the consoles died out relatively quickly but it is bigger on PC than ever.

I really like the open platform on the PC as well. You can enjoy multiple sales across different PC oriented platforms rather than relying on one digital store. You can try out mods to change up your games too.

There will always be people who claim their platform of choice is better for a variety of reasons. Ultimately, we can only choose what best fits our tastes and needs rather than putting down other's for their's.