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GameMasterPC said:
I'm not buying the NX then. Its not as if the Wii U situation wasn't bad enough they want to do the same to NX.

Nintendo needs a new management. Reggie, Iwata and Miyamoto need to go. They are ruining a once great company.

Reggie I'll give a break to, he doesn't really have any say in any hardware/software decisions I don't think, but Iwata/Miyamoto/Takeda are the big three on Nintendo's board of directors and yeah, I feel like they've led Nintendo's console division in particular down the toilet (in terms of market standing) and I do feel they will f*ck up the console NX (if there is a portable companion that should do OK at least). 

Zero faith in these three at all. They don't know want they're doing. Miyamoto is a great designer, but that's all he should be doing ... designing games, not sitting on the board of directors and making business and hardware decisions.