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RolStoppable said:
Teeqoz said:

Just because they can get away with it because it's a new a IP does not make it good practice. I understand why they did it, but I still think it's wrong.

I get that people are conflicted about this, but if you go through the requirements to make something like Splatoon work, then it's obvious that it's not going to become a widespread practice.

1. New IP
2. Online multiplayer focused
3. Highly addictive gameplay
4. No competition

It really isn't anything to worry about because most publishers won't be able to meet 3 and 4 due to their ongoing struggles when it comes to delivering polished games and pursuing innovation. And, of course, their greed won't allow them to hand out more content for free; instead they will charge for it. Splatoon goes against industry standards.

Oh Rol, you never fail to crack me up lol.


On a serious note, I'm not really afraid it'll become a widespread practice, and I still enjoy Splatoon a lot, but it's just....wrong... to do it this way.