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thismeintiel said:

You guys really need to stop with the "stop discounting the Wii when looking at Nintendo's future" talk.  It's not happening, again. Not for Nintendo.  Not for Sony.  Not for MS.  The Wii was an anamoly.  A console that was bought mostly by people not usually interested in gaming, or as a 2nd console.  The 1st crowd has mostly moved on to smartphones/tablets.  The Wii U was an attempt to tap into that crowd, again, and proof it isn't happening.

From now on, Nintendo is going to have to tap into the core market.  One that Sony, as long as they don't make a mistake, seem to have on lock.  And one that MS seems to also be able to garner a sizable following from.  If Nintendo is going to try and bring in more casuals, they'll need to focus on handheld gaming next gen.


So basically you understand the market better than anyone else, right?  Just because someone has an explanation of why something happened and it looks like it makes sense, doesn't really mean it's actually true.  If it really were as easy as you make it seem, no one would have trouble selling product.  Saying it wont happen again just tells everyone that you're arrogant.  It lets everyone know that you think your opinion is above everyone elses (because predictions are not fact).  

Also, you have no idea if the Wii was an "anamoly" or not.  There isn't a big enough sample size for anyone to say if the trend seen warrants that the Wii was the odd one out.  People just say it because there's no other data to look at.  Sure there's reason to think that it may trend downward further, but the fact that the Wii is there shows that there's reason to doubt too.