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The pacing was a bit weird at points, I'll agree. I don't think sony should have closed with uncharted 4. The reason being that it didn't really surprise us. Yep, we saw uncharted, and surprise, it looks like it will get game of the year in 2016. But that's exactly what people were expecting.
What I'll completely disagree with was the missed opportunities section. I've rarely heard someone argue that more gimmicks are better. I'm personally a fan of showing off games by just announcing them. Why? Because it doesn't waste time on something I don't care about at all. While watching the MS conference, I groaned out load when I saw them lowering down the car. Why? Because it's stupid. It doesn't help sell the game at all, it's just there for no reason. Arguably just to waste time because they couldn't think of another way to fill it than by wasting a minute on a stupid car being lowered down on an elevator.