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I'll be the first to admit I wasn't feeling No Man's Sky when it was first revealed. I just thought it was merely a "looking" game where you would just to travel a world just to look at it's sights and some planets might have slightly different color grass which they would pass off as totally different planets similar to how Borderlands brags about having hundreds of guns, so I never thought much of it.

Now fast forward to E3 2015 where the game is being played on stage where the creator shows what looks to be an endless map of the universe with little solar systems and actual planets within those solar systems which is just mind blowing. I'm just sitting there thinking to myself that this can't possibly be real, right? Then he uses the ship's hyper drive function, which is totally new and in itself hype as fuck and ends up near a new planet. He then scans the planet with the ship's system, which is also something new and interesting and goes down there to show the scenery. He then proceeds to drop the bomb that the planet is not only completely destructible but if you destroy it there are concequences and you can become wanted which just (again) completely blew my mind.

At this point I was completely sold on this game then someone on this site (can't remember who)posted a game trailer's video of someone giving their impressions of unseen gameplay they saw of it which reveals more new information like being about to gather resources on different planets and barter without places, upgrading your ship, shields, weapons, spacesuit. You can even craft items with blueprints you find? How amazing is that. And the best part is the art style is actually amazing. I thought game of this scop would be hideous.


All I'm praying for now is that this delivers on all it's promises. I don't think I could ever trust another game again if this lets me down. Does anyone else feel the same way?