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burninmylight said:

I'm not expecting it to suddenly look like a PC game from Crytek on a monster rig with max settings. I'm quite certain that the final game won't blow anyone's hair back from a graphical standpoint. But if you think that Corneria level is indicative of the final product, then I think you're the delusional one. To say that Nintendo, the publisher notorious for taking that extra bit of time to fine tune a game no matter how much we groan, won't polish the game is really showing your unmindfulness. You're making it sound like the game is shipping out on Friday.

Were you saying the same thing about Super Mario 3D Land during its reveal trailer? I seem to remember that game looking much better upon release. Same with Pikmin 3 (which also began life as a Wii game).

Here, I'll go ahead and type your response: "The game is fugly, Dreamcast has better graphics, nothing else matters, _____________ looks better, it won't be polished, not even worth playing." If you were going to type something resembling that, then no need to waste your time. Your mind is made up, so we can end this conversation.

It's better to end that than read you being delusional. It's not just the level. The ship's model is bad, the space part is bad, the vehicles look bad, trees look bad, nothing look decent on that trailler. The lightning is ridiculously simplistic, so we can assume that then engine can't do a lot of interesting stuff. That's the point. Everything is horrendous. It's not "fine tune", the game has deep technological issues.

Either way, you can expect your miracle and keep taping their head each time they offend a franchise like that.