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curl-6 said:

1280x720 = 921,600 (TV)

854x480 = 409, 920 (Gamepad)

921,600 + 409,920 = 1,331,520 (Total output)

1600x900 = 1,440,000 (900p)

1920x1080 = 2,073,600 (1080p)

1,331,520 is more than 66% of 1,440,000, and more than half of 2,073,600

You are correct, I messed up my calculations in the previous post. So it's almost equivalent to a 900p frame and around 70% of a 1080p one. Still, not enough to justify the visuals presented, even more with Wii U games with higher resolutions and way better looking visuals, like Smash.