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Einsam_Delphin said:

OP also didn't say it was impressive. Just seeing what happens when playing Mario Kart 8 in splitscreen shows it's not simple either.

It doesn't pack any kind of challenge. Without it, we would have a 720p frame. The gamepad represents a 44% pixel boost. Not enough to justify that poor result. As I said, it isn't even on 900p level. We also have a lot of titles in 1080p on Wii U at 60 fps, like SSB, that looks infinitely better.

MK splitscreen is more challenging because you are adding extra players. That means taxing the CPU, because you have to calculate collision and physics for all the extra players. For Star Fox, you aren't adding complexity to the scene, just boosting the pixel output and slightly decreasing the amount of polygons that you can cut.