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the nx will fail hard in my opinion, at least as a home console.


No matter what nintendo is doing, alot gamer will never take them serious. For them, nintendo is only for "kids". Mario and co are colourfull and thats not what they want. Simple as it is. These people dont got a wii, not a wii u not a gamecube and wont get the nx. And thats alot people.


Nintendo fans will get less and less because nintendo do so much to fck them up. Actual wii u owners are the biggest nintendo fans out there. And what is nintendo doing? Dont release any more games in 2016, dont released games in 2013, dont released games first half 2015. Thats less then 2 Years Software support to be honest. Im a big nintendo fan but im not blind. Sony and MS exclusives lineup this holilday is way better then nintendos. And they even have all the third partys support nintendo will never get. Im sure many wii u owners will switch to other consoles if nintendo really bring nx in 2016 (and it looks like that) and dont bring much more games on wii u. You shouldnt fck up your loyaliest fans nintendo.


Casual wont get the console either because they are fine with playing on tablet/smarphone. They dont have high standarts in terms of gaming. They are fine with candy crush and co.


So who will buy the nx? 

Im very sure it will flop, no matter what nintendo is doing to the system. I wont get it pretty sure, because if the nx flops nintendo will give 2 years software and make next console. Hell, ps3/xbox 360 got more games in 2015  then wii u so far and will probl even get more games in 2016. Thats ridicoulus.


Ill sell my wiiu now, as long as its worth something. Wont play xenoblade but im ok with that, ill get enough on ps4 to compensate this one game.


Hell MS/Sony got a better first party support this holiday as nintendo and they got all the third party support addional. This is ridicoulus.