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Honestly I'm the kind of guy who transitions to next gen and go with the times. Sometimes I even ignore games that come out after next gen. Unless they are fantastic games of course or a series that I am a huge fan of. I don't mind hooking up an old console temporarily to play a game or some old school multiplayer It's annoying and an inconvenience but I'm not a lazy son of a bitch either. I can take 2-5 minutes of my day to hook up an old gaming console for some reminiscence fun!

Also I am impressed in the way Microsoft is tackling backwards compatibility. However at the same time I think it's pathetic that each game much be back-coded individually. So you need to own the game and hope your game is chosen or your shit out of luck. Hopefully you can buy the game on XBL or it's a wasted potential. PS Now may be pricey but is far more impressive imo! Pay $20 for a last gen game or pay around the same for a month of a library of last gen games? I think you know what the obvious choice is. Of course I am aware it is fully dependant on ones internet connection and is not ideal in many, if not most locations.