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outlawauron said:
Dulfite said:
I find it funny how people are declaring winners before Nintendo even has there's as if Nintendo is famous for stunning people with announcements a lot more than Microsoft or Sony. So far Sony is winning, I'm my Nintendo fanboy opinion, but hopefully Nintendo has awesome event.

The only thing that can possibly come close to Sony today is if Nintendo has a Twilight Princess like unveil (which is impossible with their format).


If they do that, they only have to replicate it 3 times. Then we can compare them.

Ok, I thought Sony had a good presentation too, but some of their biggest announcements were remakes or a video about a game they announced years ago. Horizon looked awesome, but I doubt it's going to push systems or too many copies (if I had a ps4 I'd get it, for the record). Yes they had some new stuff but their major stuff was old stuff (and by major, I mean the stuff that made the crowd go crazy so I assume that's what Sony fans wanted most).

I'd be surprised if Nintendo announces more than 1 remake and I'd really be surprised if Nintendo doesn't announce more brand new games than Sony or Microsoft individually.