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There are a few things I would like to note:

The first is that there is an inherent difference between this games "exclusivity" and that of Street Fighter V's. Street Fighter V is coming out (as far as we know) roughly simultaneously to PC and PS4. It is also important to note that a major selling point of Street Fighter V is cross-platform play between PC and PS4. This deal has explicit timed exclusivity, meaning it's coming to PS4 first. This makes it more like No Man's Sky, where we know it's coming to PS4 first, PC some time down the line, and we don't know whether it will be on other consoles or not.

The second thing to note is that this game will come out in late 2017 at the earliest. If the PS4 follows the same rough trajectory as the PS2, then by fourth or fifth year of the PS4's life, lots of third parties, especially Japanese ones, will have moved from offering "exclusive DLC and betas" and "timed exclusivity" for PS4 games (like what happened in early PS2 days) towards third parties only really caring about the PS4 and pretending the other consoles don't exist. Of course, by that time, NX will either be out or looming on the horizon, so we'll have to see the impact that has. Add in the six month minimum timed exclusivity deal for this game? Yeah, this game might frankly be coming out too late into the console generation for Square to really care to put in the time and effort to port to other consoles.