spurgeonryan said:
SvennoJ said: I watched Interstellar again. I had the house to myself so I could turn up my home theater as loud as I wanted :) Awesome movie. The top and bottom of the IMAX sections are cut off on blu-ray but I guess that's better than adding black bars on the sides. It looks sharper than the normal 2.35:1 footage, not as big a difference as in the IMAX theater of course, but interesting that it's still very noticeable down sampled to 1080p. The sound was better at home, better balance and no clipping from the high frequencies. I put my amplifier to the test anyway, I could smell the thing at the end of the docking sequence. That generates a lot of heat. Was Jupiter ascending any good? I saw it's out on blu-ray already but 5.5 on imdb :/ I might have to get it for the visuals when it drops in price. I survived After earth as well, barely. |
Being a fan of sci fi movies that fail I saw it twice in theaters! I like Sean Bean, and I ....I give it a 7.5. How's that? No where near a Interstellar, but I think you could enjoy it. Ending was abrupt sort of, so don't be too disappointed.
Is it closer to an After Earth type fail, or a John Carter mindless fun.
I'll end up with it anyway, it's sci-fi, in the end I won't be able to resist. Though not spending $25 on it.
The island is keeping its pace so far, 1 dropout each episode.