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WU weekly sales in May of last year:
WU sales rise by +300% in the Mario Kart week, and sold 61k in the intere month.
WU was probabily at +30k. WU sold with avarange of 12k in April of last year...
That's what i think the sales was:

10M: 10k
17M: 9k
24M: 8k
31M: 34k
May: 61k

June, we have 140k. So... some like:
7J: 32k
14J: 30k
21J: 28k
28J: 26k
5J: 24k
Jun: 140k

Well, that's my estimate... i think the sales for WU this May are:
9M: 9.5k
16M: 8.5k
23M: 7.5k
30M: 17.5k

June will be like last year, maybe the boost will be even bigger, because as we already see, Splatoon legs are massive, and WU in Japan the week after Splatoon sold more than the first week...

June prediction:
6J: 22.5k
13J: 22.5k
20J: 20.5k
27J: 18k
4J: 16.5k
Jun: 100k