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DarkNight_DS said:
Issue's I'm having with the game. Please help if you can.

1. The blurry graphics make my eyes hurt. How can I fix this? Is this the rice paper texture people for some reason loved? If it is then I think it ruins the experience. I would prefer a much cleaner look (ala Twilight Princess) I'm currently playing on a 36" Wega Trinitron XBR HDTV with component hookups. First game on the Wii which I'd say doesn't look very good at all.

The blurring was done to counter the aliasing of the PS2 graphics. Its unique to the Wii version in its severity. Anytime you see a cut scene you see what the PS2 version's graphics look like.

2. Why oh why did they decide to map the attack command to the Wii remote (ala TP once again) and not have it working anywhere near as perfect as TP? Can I remap this somehow?

 It is hard to learn, but with practice you realize that you don't waggle, you do one shake to attack and it forces you to master timing in doing so to pull off consecutive attacks, it takes a bit to practice, but most likely your frustration is due to waving it back n' worth to attack instead of just using a swift right to left or left to right motion.

3. Why can't I save the game anywhere I want? I could save TP anywhere I wanted to and I don't see the option in this game.

Use save mirrors, there are actually a shit load of them in the game. Its not uncommon for most game to have designated points where you save.

4. Am I the only one a little pissed about the engrish and the silly storyline at the start of the game? Did someone not read the script before signing off on it?

The script isn't that bad, its just your typical old speak way of saying things redundantly and whimsically to make them sound old.

Yes I realize I'm comparing things to TP a little bit too much in my questions and I know the game is supposed to be great so I'm going to keep playing but as it stands I'm not seeing this as being a better the TP experience as others suggested. (Hence the reason I myself am now comparing it to TP).

Is there any help to be had here?