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From Planetcnc

"Reader Andrew Lee wrote in to let us know that European Playstation 3 owners can now purchase and download the original Command & Conquer for Playstation 1, at a price of £3.49 for Blighty inhabitants, or €4.99 for mainlanders

For those of you unfamiliar with C&C-PS, I recommend taking a glance at the Wikipedia article, which mentions that C&C-PS includes not only the original campaign and missions, but also the Covert Ops expansion pack as well as five other, exclusive missions.

Americalanders like myself are, sadly, left out in the dark. I guess we'll just settle for getting pretty much every other game like a year before Europeans do. Back to playing Rock Band for me!"


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It does suck that we don't get this Stateside, i would probably get it to see what the PS version plays like (despite already owning 2 copies for my pc). I always thought the C&C series was biggest in terms of popularity/sales stateside, so why the Euro only release? 

That Was Left-Handed

Xbox Live: Spire VII

Playstation 3 Network: Spire_VII