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A_C_E said:Re-read the post? I kinda did address your question. My point was that TLoU Remastered was released on a NEW system, Sony shouldn't have to market something a year in advance for a product that hasn't even released yet. TLoU (PS3) was marketed towards PS3 owners, TLoU Remastered was marketed towards PS4 owners. Re-read my previous post and you will see that I would agree with you had ND/Sony released the remastered version for the PS3 with better visuals and overall better performance. Why don't all companies let consumers know that a GOTY or Complete edition is coming out for the same game within six months when they are on the same console?

And would it not have been better for perspective consumers to know that both versions were coming out so they could choose whether to wait for the better version?  I don't see what new system or old system had to do with it.  It is OBJECTIVELY BETTER for consumers to know about both versions. 

As for GOTY editions, I honestly don't like that practice.  But, at least it's common enough that gamers should know it's coming.  On the other hand, I don't believe there is a precedent for a game being rereleased that quickly, so gamers should not have expected it.