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JWeinCom said:

I bought TLoU Remastered, I didn't get ripped off. I bought it and knew full well what I was buying (played and beat on PS3) and would have willingly paid full price for the game had I had the chance to do it again. I hold value in the entertainment that I purchase and I got more than what I paid for in TLoU Remastered. You just keep talking for all the people who bought and support remastered content but your views DO NOT match everyones. Value is in the eyes of the beholder not in the eyes of JWeinCom. Just because you don't think a certain remaster is worth its price doesn't mean the next person is going to view it the same way; some people are willing to pay the extra dollar for the extra frame rate, resolution and DLC

Oh wow.  My opinion does not reflect the opinion of everyone else in the world?  Golly, thanks for filling me in on that.  I totally thought I was entitled to speak for the world -_-...

I'm not speaking for anyone else in the world.  I'm giving my opinion on the perspective, and I never claimed to be doing anything differently.  Honestly, it's kind of annoying that you're acting as I did otherwise.  Other people can have different views, but that does nothing to invalidate mine.

As for The Last Of Us, if you wanted to buy it twice, or three times, whatever.  Go buy up a warehouse full of copies if you want.  But, the fact that Sony released it on the PS3 while knowing full well they would create a remake within a year without letting their consumers know is anticonsumer.  Tell people that the game will be available on both systems.  Let them choose if they want the PS3 version, the PS4 version, or both. 

Most people have already figured out the solution to Sony charging full price for their "training program". The trick is to not buy the product. There, now you have even more nothing to whine about. Your welcome.

The sarcasm and condescension in your post are entirely unnecessary, particularly when my post wasn't even directed towards you. If you want to disagree fine.  Do so respectfully. 

If people wouldn't buy this, that'd be great.  Unfortunately, they do, and that effects my experience.  If people buy overpriced remakes, that means more overpriced remakes will be released.  If people keep buying games that are broken, that means games I want will be broken at launch.  So, I don't have to endorse a program to be negatively impacted.

That's the beautiful thing about the English language, context. You don't have to say something directly to put forth what your saying. It bleeds through your posts as you push that all these remasters are nothing but cash grabs and anti-consumerist acts. If I miss-read your context (I'm sure I didn't) then I whole-heartedly apologize, not trying to put words in your mouth just trying to portray what you are saying. I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion, it's an opinion...your perspective of remasters is what I question.

I don't know, over a million or two people seem to be ok with paying full price for an upgraded 1 year old game with added DLC put into it. TLoU Remastered has been percieved as a good value for the amount that you pay as have almost all other remasters, no anti-consumerism laws have been broken from TLoU Remastered so I don't think you need to keep going on about something done in complete compliance with the anti-consumerism act as if ND or Sony are profiting off illegal operations.

Welp, I'm sorry you aren't able to enjoy what you think are over-priced remasters.