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I have an Android. Here are some good apps that I have and use quite a bit:

Zedge: Tons and tons of user uploaded wallpapers, ringtones, notification sounds, games etc. You will find lots of good content; all for free.

Songza: Music playlists that are curated for you based on questions you answer (ex: are you at the gym? Quiet evening? etc). Free.

CCleaner: A handy tool that frees RAM space as well as storage by deleting unneeded cache, message logs, and other stuff. Free.

Snapchat: Free pic/vid messaging app. You can send snaps (pictures or videos that are visible for max 10 sec once opened) to your Snapchat contacts as well as adding stories that can be seen for 24hr. Very neat app to have.

Pushbullet: (paired with Chrome extension on PC): gives me the ability to view notifications on my PC, send files back and forth easily, and even text from my laptop. Free.

Tasker: Pretty much a brilliant app that uses "if this then do that" rules that you customize. For example, if on home wifi, disable lock screen. If headphones plugged in, launch music. If between (insert times), silence notifications. IFFT (if this then that) is another app that uses this principle, except it is free. Tasker is $3.99.

McTube: Plays YouTube even when the screen is locked.

Twilight: Filters blue screen light to make night browsing easier on the eyes.

My Fitness App: Pretty self explanatory. Does almost anything your fitness heart desires.

Wakie: A social alarm clock that wakes you up by phone call from some random person from anyone (who has the app) around the globe. You can also phone people to wake them up. Some of the calls and responses you will get are priceless.

Hope this helped!

#1 Amb-ass-ador