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JWeinCom said:
pokoko said:
I've got to be honest, I'm loving watching people trying to turn re-releases into a negative. It's one of the most amusing hot-button forum topics of the moment. Not only does it reek of desperation but it literally makes no sense.

Remasters aren't inherently bad, but the quantity of them is ridiculous.  That's not just Sony, but as a whole.  The pricing model is also getting shittier.  Last gen, the tendency was collections with 3 games or so, and often at a value price.  One game at full price is a shitty value considering that remasters take considerably less effort.  There are I believe at least 30 remastered games so far.  Now, if there was also a lot of truly great next gen content available, that'd be one thing, but that hasn't been the case.  The problem is less with the remasters themselves, and more about people not feeling that their console purchase has been justified yet.


Anyway, as for the original topic, you can also throw Street Fighter IV on that list, as that was a Sony developed port.  On the Vita side, Borderlands and Epic Mickey 2 were done by Sony (why they wanted to port Epic Mickey 2 of all games baffles me).

More content is better than less content and I've never seen a single argument that comes close to negating that.  I don't even care what that extra content is, as long as someone, somewhere, is interested in owning and enjoying it.

Years ago, when I first bought a Kindle, many older books were not available as ebooks.  The more time that passes, the more books are converted and I've never once seen anyone complain about that.  Every book, period, that receives an ebook conversion, makes any ebook device better.  Older content reappearing in no way, shape, or form hurts the enjoyment of someone who only wants new content.

Pricing is a separate issue.  Not enough new content is a separate issue--although it's also an issue for every new console ever, so I actually have zero sympathy for someone who bought a new console and thinks games magically appear because they want them to appear.  Older games being converted have nothing to do with that.

Quite frankly, what I've said all seems like common sense to me.  I simply cannot wrap my head about the idea of someone saying, "stop, I want less content!"