Danman27 said:
HoloDust said:
Danman27 said:
SvennoJ said:
I see what you mean, witcher 3 is not grabbing as much as the souls series or even Skyrim did. After an hour, 2 at most I'm usually done, but I do still come back for more. I could play Dark souls and Skyrim for 10 hours straight without ever losing attention. The problem with witcher 3 is that the good stuff is diluted by a lot of busy work and repetitive filler quests. Last night, 2 hour play time, nothing interesting happened, well I got to lvl 16. The good stuff is worth staying for though, but I wish there was a more obvious distinction between the simple fetch quests (in this case go here, spot the red mark and report or go there and kill x) and the ones that lead to an interesting story. Skyrim handled that better.
Btw the swords are automated in witcher 3, he takes out the right one when you get near enemies. Kinda pointless to have two, just something to upgrade.
Well, the sword thing is good to hear, but I think the souls series has ruined me for sword fighting. generally speaking. I just love the way that game controls, and no other game does it as well in my opinion.
I'm hearing this a lot, but as someone who played DS I still find combat in Severance: Blade of Darkness better (and that's 2001 PC game). Which didn't stop me from enjoying DS.
As for W3, as much as some people complain, I have zero issues with combat (though I have with some other stuff), but then again I'm quite forgiving when it comes to RPGs, specially of open-world variety, since there's much more important things for these games - ie. combat in TES games is complete crap, still Morrowind is one of the best open-world RPGs ever made.
I feel like if combat in an RPG is crap, it's not worth playing. Afterall, you spend most of your time doing that. So, I want fighting to be enjoyable. When playing Skyrim, I have it modded like crazy to add more depth to the combat.
the comabt in the witcher 3 to me is really good. you have alot to use when fighting and you can't simply mash attack. if you do , you will die lol.