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SvennoJ said:
dane007 said:

Souls games  may be different but if you have  good equiomen and you are high level then its easy. Souls games back on last gen consoles, were only remote challenging due to FPS slow down coupled with enemies having a much longer reach. For a precision combat, the framerate needs to be flawless imo. Bloodbourne is the same but that game is much easier then the souls games.  Still the only challenge there , is mainly due to the frame pacing issues.  I actually do the quite opposite. i play all the sidequests first and do all the question mark in that area, before  tackling the main quest. That way , it provides a good amount of challenge, as you be lower level when tackling the side quests.


I guess if they made all the monster super strong, no one would finish the game as the game  itself is huge and didn't want to put people off.   The system in The witcher is no different to any JRPGs. Eventually you get OP as you reach max level. Dont forget  , it is their first attempt at making an open world. For a first attempt, they did a phenomenal job. At the end  of the day, its the story that captures your interest more then anything else in the game. Well for me , thats what keeps me coming back . The rest is just an icing on the cake really. 

Sure Souls games get easy with better equipment, they don't by simply having a higher level.
Witcher 3 is putting me off a lot more by the frame rate issues and camera than souls games did. Yet there I specialized early in pyromancy and sorcery to play a slow tactical ranged combat style. Which is one of the reasons I haven't started Bloodbourne yet, seems my favorite play style has been axed. (And I got distracted while waiting for the load time patch, now its in my backlog)

Indeed the story keeps me coming back from more. For me the rest is not just icing, it's more like a lot of stale cake that you need to get through to reach the jummy inner parts. I'm at the point to simply leave all the side quests behind, yet I'm afraid I'll miss something good. It's a weird game, awesome yet at the same time often not all that much fun to play. It is always beautiful to look at, there's that.

Yea i heard that the ps4 version ahs really bad frame rate problems. I can't say for sure as i am playing it on pc . My older brother , however has xbox  one and its looks stable to me , especially in combat.  But the witcher 3  doesnt have frame rate problems liek the souls game where it feel liek its on single frames lol. Does your ps4 version lag when you fight enemies?  I know you can do the same with Witcher 3 as i defeated a level 18 monster when i was level 6.  I think with the witcher 3, its both  where its based on high level and/or better equipment. Ah okay, fair enough. i mainly try to engage in combat , rather then do the tactical way. Apart from the  frame rate in souls , my main gripe with teh game was teh lack of story. for me , i need to hav e a reson to explore the worl di am and there needs to be  apurpose for it as well.   Going in to kill bosses and gettign equipment to unlock area , for me was pointless as theres no  reason to reach the end . Unless you want the gloryu to boast that you finished it  ;).  I agree totally. Its the story that you get from the main quests and teh story you get from sidequests , is what makes me keep on playing.  Its not like syrim  where it says  go collect 4 of something or go to this guys house and kill  him with this poison arrow.  The sidequets has lot fo backstory which makes i worthwhile to wexplore , plus its beautiful written as well.  Bloodbourne is fun but its easier then soul games  , hower the frame pacing issues is terrible. constant stuttering , especially during combat.