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Just so more people don't mix up the actual article with Smeags' commentary on it.

Here's the article itself. You'll notice there actually really isn't anything out of the ordinary in it.

As part of his recent New York media blitz Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto spoke with the U.K.'s Times Online in advance of the launch of Wii Fit on May 19 in North America.

Nintendo has positioned the Wii as a family console since the beginning and Miyamoto is hopeful that the launch of Wii Fit will help bring family and friends together in the West in much the way it did in Japan. "In Japanese households suddenly new conversations are springing up between fathers and mothers, fathers and daughters, talking about Wii Fit," he said.

As much as Miyamoto wants you to play his game, however, the creator of Mario also recognizes the importance of balancing gaming with other activities. He encouraged people not to play for very long periods of time. "Spending too long, staying in and playing any video game is not good," he said. "I always tell my children to get out on a sunny day and I, myself, went jogging in Central Park yesterday. But I do my stretching on Wii Fit. They work together."

For Miyamoto and Nintendo, Wii Fit is all about spreading the positive message about the potential of games. "I want to show that computer games can be good for you, can enrich your life," he noted. "People say video games are a waste of time and are bad for your brain and for your health. We wanted to create something to answer that."

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.