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mike_intellivision said:
I wonder if anyone who does not like violence and open-box games and being the bad guy will review it negatively -- just to be different. (There seem to be reviewers willing to do that for other types of games).

Personally, I don't care for this type of game. But I know a lot of people do so I hope it is as good as advertised.

If it is close, than it should be a strong contender for game of the year. I doubt it is the best game of all time -- because I doubt that there is not a better game to be made in the future. (After all, don't we want the future to get better).

Mike from Morgantown

 Jacob isn't a bad guy, he is just a guy who got thrust into a bad world... You know.. like in the real world.

Not everyone likes the fantasy style games where you are the prince who has no evil in him and set out to save the princess and defeat the evil overlord and save the day.  

 just difference in taste, Most reviewers are mature enough to overlook aspects of a game that doesn't fit them personally and review the game on the only factor, "FUN"

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)