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naruball said:
Three problems I have with the replies here:

1. What I don't understand is why people assume that if something is not a huge success, it's necessarily a failure. I mean even if they don't end up doing well enough, they can still turn a profit.
People keep mentioning MOVE as failure, but it moved 10m units. If Sony could make a decent profit on NFC figs, I don't see the problem here.

1)))))I dont think amiibo figurines would sell that much tbh, that said of course it doesnt need to sell as much as nintendo's to make moeny, in fact Amiibo arent close to skylander in sales yet amiibo are succesful, so i agree. 

2. Also, I don't see how that would be a distraction. It's not like Naughty dog is gonna stop making Uncharted 4 for an NFC figure.

2)))))) I said the same earlier

3. The whole star-power. It's how you sell a product. When Skylanders launched almost everyone on this site predicted a failure. Spyro looked ugly, etc. Turned out to be a multi-billion success for Activision. And let's not forget how well the wiifit trainer has sold. They made amiibos into a cool item (most by creating artificial demand) and it worked.

3))))) No arguement

4. As for the NFC figs being bought only by children. Obviously everyone here is an adult and plenty people are going gaga for them. Not only that but the pictures we see of people buying them are mostly of adults.

4))))) Guilty!

I could see this turned into a decent success if they handle it properly.

That said, i dont think it would be successful, i mean Nintendo with amiibo imo are barely scrathing the surface, though maybe they could triple their numbers if they actually made the unicorns (imposssible amiibo to find) available lol.

I see Capcom being the next to do this, they have the most iconic characters after Nintendo afterall