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I gave up on this thread as there was next to no interest, but with the last episode just hours away I think it deserves a bump.

Season 6 has certainly been interesting, not many shows would make it so far after loosing so many members of the main cast (Greendale 7? Well there are only 4 now), instead of just replacing Troy, Shirley and Pierce (they kind of do that but hear me out) and going on with the show as the prior seasons, season 6 takes many risks and is decidedly different from the first 5, hell even entire episodes are different from one another like as if it wasn't the same show.

Harmon and his team deserve credit for it, we got some REALLY weird stuff, borderline season 4 weird, but somehow it stills feels like Community, characters and as endearing as always and still a blast to watch.

The very last of Community might be upon us, but it was one hell of a ride.


PS: Shirley is confirmed to return in the last episode, and some of the cast and crew are hoping for more after season six (Ken Jeong being pretty vocal about it), maybe Yahoo will go on with the series, or the movie will actually happen, also the 12th episode kind of hints at Troy and/or Pierce maybe coming back too :0