Call of Duty Advanced Warfare 2. Ships with half the maps and modes that AW1 had, but we have seen the others and Activision ensures they will arrive shortly after the new year. 9/10.
Done to ensure the games longevity, not because they were not completed in time.
Can't wait to get our half games. It's not like they're chopped up enough as it is.
Oh, plus this is very much how games are on mobile. Released in bits and pieces.
My prediction was also quite close. I thought 78-80 based on lack of content and voice chat, but never would I have expected a game to get inflated based on assumptions of what the game might be in 3+ months. That's definitely a first.
To think of what Broken Age Act 1 would have gotten if the reviewers factored in Act 2, which was given free to purchasers of Act 1. Higher than the 82 it got surely. Should have just rated the entire package in advance.
iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.
Currently playing:
Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)