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Arguably, both the Xbox One and the WiiU have better games than the PS4, and yet they are being beaten (almost combined) in global sales.

Arguably? No. Wii U? Yeah, I'd agree somewhat. Xbox One? No. Not to mention, the PS4 has a bunch of middle games that are not on Xbox One. Halo 5 may be the single biggest game being released this year, but to discount all the other games that PS4 has that Xbox One doesn't is pretty foolish. For me, PS4's game library trumps Xbox One's right now and will continue to trump it as it has a pretty good crop of releases coming in the second half of 2015 that will not be on Xbox One. Of course, this is down to personal taste. The Wii U has better exclusives than both of 'em, but doesn't have the quantity of game releases to really sustain itself.