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Turok is better than goldeneye.

Halos level design is weak and started the dumbing down of first person shooters.

Shadow of the colossus has garbage controls and 60% of its gameplay is just dowsing.

Playstation controller are crap.

Gameplay is more important than story, but story integrated into gameplay is the best.

Cut scenes are a lazy way to tell a story in a game but sometimes it's the way to go.

People need to chill out about feminists in the gaming community. Women are not here to steal our penis power.

Donkey Kong 64 is just a messy clone of Mario 64.

Jet force Gemini has barely functional controls, the fetch quests are garbage and the second half of the game is not worth playing.

I hardly ever miss voice chat in games that don't have it.

Motion control is an important step in the progress of games. Also they work great for FPS games.

2D platformers are the purist form of game.

Super Mario World (SNES) is overrated (not saying its bad just overrated).

Best Sonic game: Sonic Blast for game gear.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)