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"I'm starting to think that when it pertains to these franchises, From is the video game equivalent to Seth McFarlane whereas they take the exact same formula, dress it up a bit different, and receive critical acclaim for making the very same thing they make a few years back"

Nope. While it is obvious that Bloodborne is part of the Dark Souls "universe" and is very much a game in the same vein, it is not a simply copy and paste and it does deserve it critical acclaim. This type of game is not for everyone, that much we can agree on, but Bloodborne does make some critical differences in the way it plays. Most obviously, the combat. While it is still very similar to dark souls, the ability to regain health if you quickly counterattack after being dealt damage is massive. It makes for faster, high-risk high-reward action, although you still have to be very observant and passive when encountering new enemies.

The game is frustrating at first (the first few hours were shear madness as the big baddies were stomping me into the ground) but the payoff is immense. The atmosphere is also fantastic. It's tense, it is brooding and you feel vulnerable at any moment. Boss encounters are more subtle than in most other games (although still some areas obviously give off a boss-fight vibe) due to the lack of direction and exposition in the story/characters, which makes players extremely cautious and uneasy of new areas. Honestly, this game is the best survival horror i've played in years (even if it's not even in that genre)

Also, you played 20 minutes. With all due respect, you have seen nothing and I don't think you are in a very good position to join the "These games suck ass and are overrated" club.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian