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Expect alot of Hate mail for going agasint the tide. I agree, Played DS 1 and 2 and alittle of Bloodborne, and as a game, they fail to meet alot of standards, in fact it doesnt do anything better then other RPGs except the fact its incrediably hard (which isnt a bad thing)

These games are incrediably linear and i am amazed that DS 1 and 2 dont look that great considering how linear they really are and im talking about the PC versions. Atleast Bloodborne got the visuals right but it still fails to add anything special. Its Dark Souls with a new coat of paint. I think these games are heavly overated, there not bad games but there defiantly not the best games to buy. They lack good music/sound, lack of a detailed customising tool, lack of controls, lack in Enermy AI, lacking a good story, but they are tough as nails.