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Gaming Discussion - Diablo 3 - View Post

Rock_on_2008 said:
shio said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Yakuzaice said:
If we ever see a Diablo 3 it will be a long time coming. They still have Wrath of the Lich King and StarCraft II to work on. I'd be fine with a console version as long as the PC version isn't dumbed down for the sake of it.
At the end of the day making money is all that matters to developers. Console games are more profitable than PC games. PC games are too easy to pirate, PS3 is pirate free. Best bet is to sell it on the PS3.


you do know that Blizzard is making more money than any console developer except Nintendo, right?

And Starcraft 2 is THE WORST type of game to be ported to console. Starcraft 2 is a heavy, fast-paced micro-management RTS, and it would lose ALOT of the core gameplay experience if it was on a console version, and don't even try to pin on me with "PS3 has keyboard" line, you know most wouldn't even play it with a Kb+M. They tried a console version with the original Starcrat on N64, and it became a crappy game.

Anyway, nowadays everyone has a PC/MAC, and almost everyone who's interested in SC2 will buy the game eventually.

PS3 has the best graphics. PS3 could use keyboard and mouse and StraCraft 2 would be great on the PS3. I would buy it.

 PS3 graphics already pale in comparison to what a PC can spit out at you, imagine what will happen by the time those games came out. As pertaining to the topic, I hope Blizzard never makes a game for consoles (We saw what happened with Starcraft: Ghost) only for the simple reason that I think the games would be dumbed down to hell. Just look at UT3. It was supposed to be perfect, even more so than UT2004. Yet because of Epic's console attraction it just plain sucks for PC. I don't want to see a similar thing happen with any of Blizzard's games.

If anyone wants to play SC2 or Diablo 3 or whatever game they clme out with next buy a PC. Chances are you can build one that can run those games for cheaper than what you spent on your PS3. And you can even get the REAL online experience then, you know, the one where you don't have to pay for an account and you can use it to get god knows how many different mods and what-nots for a game.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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