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I'm an rpg fan of both western and Japanese rpgs, but this game so far is amazing. Side quests don't feel like a chore. I actually want to do them. The story is engrossing and I find myself wanting to know more. I love how the conversation  system sometimes gives you choice, which  prompts you to ask the right question or even control the mind of the person you want to have power over. It's just flipping awesome. This game is for RPG fans though. If you arent into a meaty story....I doubt you will be too into this game. Most of the people who cannot understand  why this game is so good probably are not used to the Witcher a resourced based combat where one must prepare them selves before walking into combat with a vicious foe.


As far as I'm concerned  Dragon Age is lucky this  game got pushed back. This game so far is just asking to be goty. All that's left to topple it's glory are batman, rise of the Tomb Raider and halo.