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The Wii is gay! LULZ!

*post link to 90+ rated games on Gamerankings (80% made of FPS and sports games)*

Newton anyone? Wiimote is last gen.

The New York Times said that ...

Every Wii owner I know rarely plays it. It is collecting dust for *insert any number greater than 4* months.
On the other hand I play my *360/PS3/PC/Cellphone/PSP/Penis* every day.

LULZ! My grandma had not played it because she does not know how to turn it on.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."