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Sherlock99 said:

1. Story. Reboot the series. Start fresh and from the beginning. Really create a strong history and mythos for Hyrule that can be explored and built upon with each sequel or prequel instead of this messed up thing we have now that tries to vaguely connect each game but not really. Fully develop the characters, give them a history, especially Ganondorf and Link, provide them with real personalities and some depth for why they do what they do.

2. Narrative. With #1 in mind the game needs a strong narrative, with voice acting, except for Link. A really well thought out plotline that doesnt have to be super deep but more so than previous titles and definitely has to be well executed and cohesive.

3. World. Create a well developed world. Take a note from SotC and create a world that feels natural and isnt so cookie cutter showing it was made with the purpose of being a game, but looks and feels like a real kingdom with size to it. Intelligently place the towns, cities and dungeons throughout the land. Make it feel like this is a real working kingdom. And reward the player for exploring its, dont put as many restrictions on Links ability to explore, intelligently create obstacles for him to overcome.

4. Dungeons. Dungeons need to be trimmed down. We dont need 9 random dungeons strategically placed throughout the world for Link to tackle one by one.

5. Items. Cut down on items, really only have a few that make up the core of the game. Give the player these core items early in the game and upgrade them if applicable and really use them to their fullest through the game and its puzzles.

6. Bosses. Build off that depth of the items and apply it to bosses. Add some depth to the formula of expose the weak spot, hit it three times and youre done. Make us really think about how we have to utilize our arsenal to attack and expose the boss and use more than just a new item to do so but the environment around us and allow for multiple ways to do so.

7. Combat. Take the NMH sty.le of combat and really build off that. Make timing, hight and rythym of pressing A for attacking important, and really use the motion controls for techniques and counter attacks that are actually needed to defeat enemies. Make using these attack techniques integral to the combat.

8. Towns and cities. Make more than three of them. Really populate the world and allow it to be explored with NPCs that have some real substance to them like in MM. Make it so the player cares about the people of the world and their plight. Make the world feel alive.

9. Main quest. Have the main quest really affect the world and be in the world not just confined to the dungeons/temples. Have events take place in the towns and cites and overworld.

10. Side quests. Like I said before with the NPCs have these sidequest really bring the player closer to them in ways main quest events cant. And as well have them also affect the world around you.

11. Make Rupees mean something.



Hahaha! Good points.

You are essentially describing Oblivion*. (except for the ability to upgrade items, that's not really possible in Oblivion... but a very good idea for the next Elder Scrolls game)

Personally I played about 1/3d of Zelda - Ocarina of time, and loved the setting, the atmosphere and the world. But the endless dungeons, and sometimes not having the slightest idea what to do (inside a dungeon) made me very frustrated.


*Note: Oblivion has shitloads of dungeons, well over 100, but they aren't random and only a couple are needed do accomplish the main quest, and perhaps 20-30 are part of side quests.