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First, when you see if something is "dead", you compare it to its competition. Vita is not beating it and therefore the statement is false.

In the thread context, because all though WiiU titles are getting the spotlight, the console itself doesn't show signs of surging sales. Even if the 3ds chugs along selling to children on the base premise that its cheaper then a Vita, the 3ds is technically more alive then WiiU can hope to be.

That said, Nintendo is not prioritizing 3ds lately, at least from a marketing perspective. Just because people are "talking" about WiiU games, it isn't the same as putting your money where your mouth is. Hell I can talk about Splatoon, doesn't mean I will buy a WiiU, and will continue to use my 3DS.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.