true_fan said: Yoshida promised 12 new ip and 20 first party games to be released in the first year, we are coming up on the 2 year in and they still won't even be half way there. People keep praising sony first party, yet really people only talk about ND, the other studios have been meh at best. |
The quote was never about retail titles or PS4 exclusives, just the number of games they had planned for year 1 of PS4:
Killzone Shadow Fall
Knack (New IP)
DC Universe Online
Doki-Doki Universe (New IP)
Escape Plan (New IP)
Resogun (New IP)
Sound Shapes (New IP)
The Playroom (New IP)
DriveClub (New IP)
InFamous Second Son
MLB14: The Show
The Last of Us Remastered
CounterSpy (New IP)
Entwined (New IP)
Hohokum (New IP)
inFamous First Light
It's obvious that some things were pushed back and missed the deadline, but it's not that bad to only have one major game pushed outside the window.