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MikeRox said:
zorg1000 said:

I would say he's more annoyed than offended.

The OP was specifically saying it seems "dead" on software. As others have said, the goalposts for "dead" are variable to the individual. Most on here class Vita as dead, but there's generally a few releases each month that interest me. If it's dead for the OP, that's his opinion, he was wondering if anyone else felt the same way. I felt that way too as the games 3DS has been getting over the past year or two haven't really stoked my interest.

Thanks for being one of the only people in here who really understood what I was getting at.

I will say that I don't have quite as bleak a view of the 3DS's last two years as you do, since Animal Crossing, 2 Zeldas and 2 Pokémons all released since Luigi's Mansion 2, but certainly 2014 was a quiet year and 2015 is set to be at the very least as quiet as that.

I'm not saying my 3DS game buying days are completely over, just that the console is now reminiscent of Wii in 2011 for example, with sparing support from both Nintendo and third parties.