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While the Wii U has been dominating Nintendo conversation it seems that something has happened in the background with only a couple of people acknowledging it. The 3DS has died. To make my point, let's first examine what Wii U owners have to look forward to between now and the end of the year.

  • Splatoon
  • Yoshi's Woolly World
  • Mario Maker
  • X
  • Star Fox

It's not a lot to be sure, but let's contrast it with what the 3DS has to offer:

  • ... ... ... ... ...

Hmm. 3DS does have Fire Emblem If slated for 2016, but that's pretty much it. For a console that got a new iteration this year, that's pretty awful.

Now, I know that E3 is incoming, but this isn't just a shortage of games like we're seeing on the Wii U - this is a superdrought. Surely to bring any respectability to the 3DS they need to announce 5+ new big games for it at E3, which I do not see happening. I have to say I really thought Pokémon needed a year off, but it looks like they'll need to wheel it out again this year just to save the 3DS this holiday.

So I've said my piece, what do you think? Dead or alive?